Chinese Herbal Medicine

traditional preparation of Chinese herbal medicine tea with raw herbs used for treating COVID long haulers back neck pain allergies eczema colds flu infertility diminished ovarian reserve painful irregular periods male infertility ED low sperm count…


Chinese Herbal Medicine uses plants, minerals, and occasionally animal products, individually or in combinations, known as formulas, to address both the affliction and the individual’s constitution that allowed it to take hold.

These formulas, that may include leaves, roots, berries, barks, seeds and other natural substances, are boiled down and made into a concentrated tea that are generally taken over a short period of time.

In some cases, medicinal formulas that have been prepared in supplement form may be recommended for long-term use for some issues.

These formulas have been developed over thousands of years by Chinese medicine practitioners to optimize effectiveness. Current scientific research confirms the efficacy of many of these substances.

Chinese herbal medicine has been developed over thousands of years as practitioners refined their understanding of the medicinal properties of the individual substances, developed numerous formulas, and gained mastery of customizing the formulas for individual patients. Ongoing research in the East and West provides evidence of the effectiveness of herbal formulas.

colorful display of Chinese-herbs used in Chinese herbal medicine treatment for COVID long haulers back neck pain allergies eczema colds flu infertility diminished ovarian reserve painful irregular periods male infertility ED low sperm counts menopa…

Conditions Treated

Chinese Herbal Formulas,* in combination with acupuncture and manual therapy, are often used in a variety of ways - here is a partial list:

IMMUNITY: Boosting the immune system to ward off colds, influenza and viruses — reishi, forsythia and astragalus are common among these formulas

ADRENAL SUPPORT, STRESS AND ENERGY: Providing sustained relief from chronic fatigue, adrenal insufficiency and chronic stress. Many medicinal substances have been studied for their adaptogenic effects as aids to our body-mind’s ability to cope with stress, providing calmness and improving our energy levels — ginseng, astragalus and cordyceps are among the herbs commonly used in these formulas

ALLERGIES: Providing immediate and long-term relief from nasal, lung and throat congestion, and irritation of the eyes or skin including eczema, psoriasis and herpes zoster

DIGESTIVE RELIEF: Restoring normal function and motility of the stomach and intestines in conditions such as gastric reflux, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, IBS, and chronic diarrhea or constipation in which pain, bloating, belching and flatulence become uncomfortable

FERTILITY & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: Successfully treating infertility, diminished ovarian reserve, egg quality, amenorrhea, and mammary, ovarian or uterine cysts and fibroids in women; strengthening male vitality and treating ED, low sperm count, poor motility and unexplained male infertility

HORMONAL BALANCE: Regulating menstrual cycle, balancing hormones during menopausal changes including reducing hot flashes; controlling acne in teenage years and throughout the lifecycle

OPTIMAL ORGAN FUNCTION: Stabilizing arrhythmias, eliminating heart palpitations and strengthening cardiac output; resolving asthma, chronic bronchitis, COVID long-hauler respiratory issues and alleviating COPD symptoms; improving glomerular filtration rate and renal clearance of kidney and bladder, treating UTI’s, kidney infections and urination voiding difficulties; detoxifying the liver, improving hepatic functions and promoting bile secretion to prevent gallstones

EMOTIONAL BALANCE: Alleviating anxiety; uplifting the heart in depression and despair; calming the mind when experiencing hyper-reactivity; and restoring overall emotional balance and peace of mind

Chinese-Herbal-Medicine-Practitioner preparing colorful raw herbs for formula to treat COVID long haulers back neck pain allergies eczema colds flu infertility diminished ovarian reserve painful irregular periods male infertility ED low sperm counts…


During his 18 years of training and clinical practice in China, Dr. Ryan had the great privilege of studying Chinese Herbal Medicine under Dr. Liu Yu-Zhu, a venerable Chinese medicine doctor at the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Dr. Huang Rong, torchbearer of the Wen Shu-de lineage.

Dr. Liu Yu-Zhu specialized in recalcitrant and complicated diseases; and Dr. Huang elegantly composed formulas to effectively treat complicated medical problems.

Dr. Ryan synthesized these approaches, combining them with acupuncture and manual therapy to effectively treat recalcitrant conditions not easily remedied by a single form of therapy.

Chinese-herbs-alternative-medicine-encapsulated for treating COVID long haulers back neck pain allergies eczema colds flu infertility diminished ovarian reserve painful irregular periods male infertility ED low sperm counts menopausal hot flashes st…

*Chinese herbal medicines are not regulated by the FDA as drugs and treatment claims are not verified by scientific research. While many herbal substances have been researched and the mechanism of their effects proposed, the complexity of Chinese herbal formulas and their application is difficult to research. The above information is offered as how Chinese herbal medicine is traditionally and currently used and is based upon historical usage as taught in academics, research conducted in Asia and preliminary research done in the USA and Europe.

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